Mila and the Quest for the Golden Axe

Aug 17, 2017

So when I have a few minutes between client projects and thekids I'm also working on a few of my own gaming and augmented reality projects.I'm really very new to the world of game design and development but hope to getinto it a lot more over the next few years.

I'm working on three games and an augmented realityapplication at the moment, with each aimed at different age ranges andincorporating completely different styles of game play. All three games and theapp exist in the same universe, allowing me to make use of familiar charactersI’ve designed for the 'Heroes' and 'Villains'.

One of the games is called ‘Mila and the Quest for theGolden Axe’, a traditional platform style game that was originally conceived atMoray Game Jam 2017. It was far, far, farrrrrrr away from winning the Game Jambut I had fun making it and got the chance to demo the game to the public,along with one of my other games, at this years XpoNorth in Inverness as partof the Gaming and Technology playground.

As usual XpoNorth was really busy and the buzz was goodamongst all the gaming stands, (if you’ve never been to XpoNorth you should popalong next year, it’s on for two days, free to get in and there’s lots of stuffto see, people to talk to and panels to attend). There were lots of impressivegames on show, some from Moray Game Jam and others from game developers and companiesfrom all over Scotland. Platform games, multiplayer futuristic Tron style ballgames, first person Virtual Reality games where you can swing through the airlike Spider-Man, classic Smash TV style games with a modern look and twist,massive world adventure games and everything in between. There really is some impressivegaming talent in Scotland ya know?

Anyway, Mila and the Quest… actually got a bit of attentionwith girls, boys men and women all having a go at the game, playing throughthree of the demo levels, or until their lives ran out, and they seemed toenjoy the game. Several players came back a few times for another go, so Ifigured there must be something there that people liked and this has encouragedme to continue developing it. Mila and the Quest… has a LOT of development togo but I am hoping to release it in 2018.

You can check out a wee video of one of the levels below, likeI say there’s a lot of development to go, animations, movement, story… but Ithought it might be good to post the footage as I go, then I’ll be able to lookback at the development, and it’s always good to get feedback, no matter howbrutal, to help improve what you’re doing.

If you want to have a look at some of the other games, youcan head over to